Resources to help you get your cash flow under control

ROMANCING the LOAN: 14 Principles For Opening Your Lender’s Vault

Larry Tyler

$17.95, $9.99 (Kindle)

Romancing the Loan was written for business owners. With the upheaval in the financial markets, lenders have changed their method of operating especially as it relates to lending to small and medium-size businesses. Their mindset as to what is a “bankable” loan request has turned what, for five to ten years, was an easy exercise into a difficult process. As a business lender in Texas during the mid 80’s financial crisis, Larry Tyler saw how lenders reacted and how business owners failed, in general, to quickly adapt their thinking and approach towards borrowing and lenders to receive the capital they wanted. From a deep desire to help both business owners and lenders during and coming out of this recession, Romancing the Loan was birthed. It is not “business as usual” when it comes to approaching a lender today. The book title says it all: business owners must ‘romance’ their lenders in order to get the lender to say “YES.” These are uncommon times for business owners and lenders. Thus, uncommon methods must be used to develop and maintain relationships that will meet the wants of both parties. It is time for relationship economics. Among other things, you will discover how to: * Think for your lender * Develop and improve your relational intelligence * Get the lender to pay attention to your loan request and business * Move your loan application to the top of the lender’s list * Get a more favorable response from your lender * Avoid raising the lender’s red flag * Be prepared for meeting with your lender Romancing the Loan gives you tools to put your heart back in business. Larry guides owners to use relational intelligence through defined action steps. You will not only understand, know and meet the wants of your lender but will be on a faster road to success by focusing on ‘romancing’ all your business relationships to reach your potential for achievement of your dreams.