As a leader, how are you helping shift any attitude of fear you and your team might be having in this season (Nov. 2020) or any time?
Today is a time to make a SHIFT.


Any virus, whether Covid 19 or fear, is an opportunist. It cannot create by itself as it needs an environment to survive. It also requires a willing host. It can only find an environment it can stay in to invade, which is an acidic condition. So, the more we alkalinize (bring harmony) our physical bodies and our business bodies, we help create a non-welcoming environment for viruses.
An environment of love, joy, peace, and gratitude creates an environment by which worry and fear cannot exist. An atmosphere of fear emotionally establishes the setting for a virus to survive in and take up residence. A fear-based environment is one in which a virus loves and thrives.

When fear strikes and does for all of us, we should then look for a way to move or displace the fear. We need to say, “Not on my watch,” if the fear is anything other than life-threatening.

So, how do we transform the fear? Based on alchemy’s law – change the energy (everything is energy), and alter the manifestation of the mass. An example: heating water till it boils – or freezing water. In both, you would be changing the energy.
In the situation we find ourselves in today, fear is energy, and by changing the energy to love, you change the environment. If you are in is a situation or have a perception of fear, the key is awareness and catching the energy of fear and then flipping it to love by asking, “How can I love this situation/person/event, etc. more?” I’ve used it to help me flip my emotional energy or consciousness, called the Map of Consciousness.

Maintaining the Map of Consciousness in your mind or at your desk, you can observe where you are at any time and quickly switch back to love or above in any instance.