For the past year, I watched some episodes of a cable show called Homestead – Rescue that my wife recommended. I found the episodes fascinating because they resemble a business rescue and the creativity displayed by the craftsman and survivor expert Marty and his daughter and son and how time and again they come in and rescue the homesteader’s dreams of breaking away from the norms of society.
These three individuals (guides) come along-side the homesteaders struggling to make the homesteading lifestyle a reality. They teach these families essential skills revolving around: secure housing, food growing, and food security, finding and maintaining clean water, protection from the elements, and animals that live around them. They enable and empower the homesteaders to thrive, not just survive in the wild void of the protection one has in an urban setting.
They help homesteaders sustain their homes in the wilderness through hunting, fishing, gardening, building upkeep, security, and problem-solving. Many families lack the skills, experience, or knowledge of growing their food, finding water, harnessing power, or dealing with predators’ threats. Thus, these guides’ help is key to the survival of the homesteaders and for them to continue in their vision of freedom that homesteading brings versus the lifestyle in urban society.
After watching a few episodes, I realized that becoming an entrepreneur is much like the homesteaders on the show. Entrepreneurs step outside of the usual societal way of being employed by a company and becoming like a homesteader. It takes a lot of different skills, in general, to become an entrepreneur after being part of the typical workforce. Most people who switch from being an employee to becoming entrepreneurs are looking for freedom in much the same way homesteaders do.
What is fascinating about the show and my current vocational role as a guide for entrepreneurs is that I, too, provide necessary tools to entrepreneurs that are often ill-equipped to thrive in the world of entrepreneurialism. The show illustrates how curiosity, wonder, empathy, imagination, and creativity are critical aspects of life that we all can develop, use, and become skilled at for others’ benefit. I get the opportunity to use these skills in a unique way – business rescue.
What else is exciting for me is that I now have an additional metaphor and illustrations (the TV series) to point entrepreneurs to understand what and how I can help them.
I recommend watching some episodes of the show. You will not regret it!
Are you about to lose your dream of freedom and independence out of the norm of being an employee? It might be worth a few minutes to visit – contact me via email – or call/text me – 828-371-3436.